Tom & Holly Travels
since 2004


Day 4 - Picture review of Santiago de Cuba 

Pulling into Santiago de Cuba

Santiago de Cuba

( City of over a half a million people and not one stop and go light)


Cuba is the first place we have been where they don’t take any credit cards or won’t accept US Dollars so the the first thing you have to do is convert money. We have learned that the “people to people” program actually stands for “pesos to people”

Mucho Pesos


Our first tour went to the site of Fidel’s grave and we watched the changing of the guard:


Holly paying homage to Fidel


After visiting a Church and a Spanish Fort we went to a Cuban Paladar for lunch:

El Morro Castle, Spanish Fort guarding the harbor entrance



We finished the night at the Trova House listening to Cuban music and drinking Mojitos and crashing into bed at midnight: