Yesterday we went to Niagara Falls. What a spectacular sight. We have also learned a lot about the geological formation of the Great Lakes which brought back my old college days when I studied geology. One very interesting fact is they can now turn the falls off or keep the water down to a dull roar. As we know water can cut amazing structures, so the falls used to cut back one to three feet every year. Now it only cuts back one to three feet every thirty years. We rode the boat called the Hornblower and it takes you almost into the falls. Yes, we got super wet. That is now off my bucket list of things I need to do.

     Another interesting fact about the falls is if you decide to jump, the Park services will not attempt to save you. They just wait until you wash up somewhere, but they will fine you $10,000 dead or alive. Our guide told us, “Yes, they will get their money.”

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Tom & Holly