Day 7 – Nashville - October 12, 2018


    Today is our last full day of travel on the Queen of the Mississippi. On our way to tour the Ryman Auditorium this morning, we passed along the Interstate bridge into Nashville and the homeless were everywhere in row upon rows of tents. We have tried to avoid those that have complained the entire trip, but it really hit me that no one on this ship has a right to complain about anything. The crew and staff aboard have tried their very best to feed and entertain us and mostly we were not under that bridge. It was only 40 degrees this morning, and I was cold, just imagine sleeping all night on the hard ground in one of those tents-and no bathrooms I might add.

    We toured the Ryman Auditorium when the girls were very young, so it had been a long time since we had been there. The tour was very fascinating and extremely well done. Learned an interesting trivia while there! Minnie Pearl was famous for wearing a price tag on her hat. She always wore flowers in her hat, but one day the real flowers had died, so she quickly purchased plastic ones. She was in such a hurry to get on stage that she left the price tag on the flowers. When she discovered the fact on stage she promptly made jokes about it. The audience loved it and the tradition had begun.

   Tonight we will be going to the Grand Ole Opry so looking forward to that.



“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkie


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Tom and Holly