Well after the mother whale with her baby, the rest of the afternoon was rather dull. All of the staff was up filming the activity because it was such a special treat. One of the naturalists first mentioned that it was really special because the water was so calm. Later this will have more meaning.

In the afternoon, we stopped at San Jose del Cabo. It was your typical Mexican tourist town. I must admit they did not pressure you like in Egypt; however. We didn’t buy anything. Nothing jumped out and said, “Buy me.” First, we went bird watching and saw over 40 species of birds. Only a few were different species from our Florida birds.

Around cocktail time, we had margaritas on deck as we rounded the famous rock at the end of Cabo San Lucas. Very different from the huge cruise ships. We were able to position our ship only a few feet from the rock then shined our flood lights onto it for our photo opts. The weather was beautiful and seas calm. Then things changed. As we entered the Pacific the seas showed us her stuff. We are a little ship, and she is not very smooth. When her bow slaps the water you know it. We are rock’n and roll’n. This morning as we wait to enter the Bay of Magdalena, where we should see the gray whales, the ship is very empty. They have opted to not do any lectures because of the conditions. Of course, for any of us who survived Antarctica this is nothing. Now you see why our humpback whale pictures are so special. If it had been like this, we could not have taken any photos. Our naturalist told us that no matter what the whales were doing they could not maneuver the ship for us to take photos because the waves are coming over the bow. We were so lucky to have witnessed this skeptical.

People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long course of rivers…and they pass by themselves without wondering.St. Augustine